Denomination: Gas for Climate
Objectives: Analyse and create awareness about the role of renewable and low carbon gas in the future energy system in full compliance with the Paris Agreement target to limit global temperature increase to well below 2 degrees Celsius. To this end, the entire economy has to become (net) zero carbon by mid-century.
Membership: Gas for Climate Coonsortium is a group of ten leading European gas transport companies (DESFA, Enagás, Energinet, Fluxys, Gasunie, GRTgaz, ONTRAS, Open Grid Europe, Snam, Swedegas, and Teréga) and two renewable gas industry associations (Consorzio Italiano Biogas and European Biogas Association).
Activities :
- Studies to analyze the role and value of gas infrastructures.
- Smart combination of electricity and gas in an integrated system to deliver an affordable transition to climate neutrality
- Use of green hydrogen and renewables methane through existing gas infrastructures.
- Use waste, residues and sustainable crops to produce biomethane.
Foundation Date : 2017
Regional Grouping : Europe
Main Projects :
- Blending of a percentage of hydrogen in gas pipelines
- Use of hydrogen as in steel production process
- Develop innovative process to produce biomethane
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