Hydrogen from Ammonia by Photocatalysis at Ambient Temperature

Energy transition relies on the possibility of producing renewable energy without impact on the environment, namely with no greenhouse gases production. Hydrogen represents a great opportunity to achieve this goal, since it does not release CO2 upon burning. Depending on the way hydrogen is obtained, it can be classified according to a kind of not-standard colour code. For example, grey hydrogen is the one obtained from natural gas by reforming, without capture of CO2, which is a by-product of the reforming production process.

The so called “green hydrogen” is instead a fuel obtained from renewable electricity that does not release greenhouse gases neither when it is produced nor it is when burned.

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Hydrogen from natural sources: a chemistry-oriented research perspective

It is generally acknowledged that hydrogen gas is a promising resource for power production in the next future. Several publications are available reviewing the availability and use of hydrogen sources. While certain methods of hydrogen production are substantially known (e.g. electrolysis) and are expected to expand in the future, the possibility of exploiting native or geologic hydrogen is stil at its infancy.

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Hydrogen Underground Storage: Status of Technology and Perspectives

Hydrogen will play a key role in the development and transformation of future renewable energy systems.

H2 has many benefits, can be generated by well-established and emerging technologies and can be used in a variety of end-use energy and transport processes. H2, as a fuel source, has long been identified as a critical step toward a low-carbon, and eventually zero-carbon, energy society.

Hydrogen storage is an essential element of an integrated energy system and hydrogen economy.

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Natural Hydrogen: Promising opportunities for Exploration & Production

The global energy sector is transforming and hydrogen (the most energy-rich gas) is likely to play an increasingly prominent role as a clean energy carrier. Many countries have identified hydrogen as a key pathway to decarbonise their transport, industry processes, heating and energy storage sectors.

Hydrogen is almost exclusively manufactured for industrial use, with around 840 Bm3 per year being produced worldwide.

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